Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Life coaching

Life coaching certification can be accomplished online as a home study course from various organizations. A student will be able to experience motivational training and working with mentors to learn the skills necessary to become an effective Life Coach. These study courses can last up to nine months and cost around $900. A Life Coaching Certificate issued by these organizations is valid and associates are ethically responsible for promoting positive results for their clients.

Licensed parties are accountable for the things they do. Life Coaching Certifications are now popular in Business, Dating, Personal Achievement and other areas. Occasionally, Personal Management Training and Self Help Organizations find the need to have some form of coaching. Sometimes people just can't get there lives together and this form of intervention works to help them. Some people will manage better with group coaching while others do better with emotional coaching on a one on one scale.
As a career this form of coaching holds many possibilities. The average coach may earn around $10,000 per year on a part-time basis. Many people simply need help to get up and going. They simply do not have the follow through it takes to get what they want. This type of coaching helps focus on the things you want to accomplish.
This form of coaching is thought by some to be an infringement upon the Medical Community, but it is not. It does not try to decide what happened in the past but gives a positive push into the future.

People pay Life Coaches to create the person they want to be. The coaching simply helps people move forward to accomplish the things out of life they truly want to accomplish. Getting certified with this type of coaching is open to pretty much anyone that has a positive attitude towards life and an extra dose of get up and go. It also helps if they are willing to share with other people.

When people are trying to find direction in life it is sometimes difficult. Everyone occasionally procrastinates or avoids doing things they know they really should do. Sometimes people tell themselves they cannot do things because they truly believe they cannot. It is these individuals that are excellent candidates for this type of coaching. Because of its effectiveness this type of coaching has become very popular. It does this by helping people to accomplish things they want by giving them feedback and encouragement. A Life Coaching Certificate will allow you to give others the benefit of your expertise. If you have the drive and the will power to encourage others you have the ability to become a life coach.

Next, now that you understand the importance of a Life Coaching Certificate what's stopping you? Click here to find out more about getting Life Coaching Certifications.
Article Source:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Made to Stick

image of big brother

Remember learning Greek mythology in school?
I’m going to give you one name, and I want you to think about the first image that pops into your head …
What’d you think about? Was it what you read in that dusty old history book, or was it the unforgettable Disney cartoon?
That, my friends, is the power of storytelling in action.
According to Chip and Dan Heath in their book “Made to Stick”, stories are an incredibly important element in creating ideas that stick.
We humans process information much more efficiently when it’s in the form of a story, and we’re therefore much more likely to remember it.

We quickly forget a dry recitation of the facts.
And yet, most marketing is just that: fact after fact after fact …
“Buy this widget from us, and it’ll do this, this and this.”

That doesn’t stick.
If you want your marketing to really sizzle, if you want people to remember it, you need to turn your marketing messages into stories.
I’ve broken down the classical elements of story below so you can begin to think like a storyteller, and make your marketing messages stick …

The protagonist leads the way

You don’t have a story unless you have a main character — also known as the protagonist — whom the audience empathizes with.
The protagonist helps the audience become emotionally engaged with the story.
That’s why very emotional scenes, such as love and action scenes, are so powerful.
Think about horror movies, particularly when the killer is chasing the protagonist.
The audience is on the edge of their seats because they are experiencing the same fears and rush of adrenaline as the protagonist.
Who or what is the protagonist — the hero — of your business?

Your antagonist is their antagonist

In addition to a protagonist, a story also needs an imposing antagonist — someone (or something) hindering the protagonist from reaching her goal.
The antagonist creates conflict.
An antagonist can be a person, an entity, or even the protagonist herself (for instance, the protagonist trying to overcome her own fear).
Tap into and talk about a common “enemy” to bond with your customers, and their loyalty to you will grow very strong, very fast.

The protagonist must be on the move

Boring stories are ones where things happen to the protagonist.
Engaging stories are ones where the protagonist takes action to defeat the antagonist.
In other words, there’s an active struggle.
Let’s say there’s a story about some really bad guys who steal a boy’s dog. The boy is sitting on his couch, crying, missing his dog terribly.
A few moments later, a police officer knocks on the door and delivers the slobbering, excited dog back to the boy.

We’d rather see the boy chasing down the bad guys, trying to get his beloved dog back himself.
Are you boring your clients/readers/customers?
This is a cardinal sin of marketing.
Boring kills sales.

No plot, big problem

Of course, a story isn’t a story unless it has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
The beginning sets the stage, showing what the protagonist’s life is like before the antagonist disturbs it.
After the antagonist is introduced, we enter the middle of the story where the protagonist fights the antagonist, trying to accomplish a particular goal.
Then, we reach the climax.
All seems lost. The protagonist makes one more dramatic move and defeats the antagonist totally.
In the end we see how the protagonist restores order to his life.
What’s the “plot” of your content marketing?
Is there a beginning, middle, and end present in your messages?

The moral of the story is …

Lastly, great stories have an overarching message, or moral.
For instance, the moral of “Beauty and the Beast” is that we shouldn’t judge people by their looks.
What’s the major message — or, moral — of your business or idea?
Distill it into one or two very clear lines that you repeat, like a mantra, over and over in all of your marketing efforts.

Pulling it all together

Now, let me bring this all together by diagramming one of the greatest marketing stories of all time: Apple, Inc.’s “1984″ commercial.
Take a minute to watch it here:

The protagonist in this story is the running woman.
The antagonist is “the man” on the screen (Big Brother for you “1984” fans).
The plot here is interesting. There is a beginning, middle, and end, but the commercial only shows us the climax, and merely hints at all the other elements.

We can determine the beginning of the story was that the woman and society were living free. Then, Big Brother came and forced everyone to conform. But the woman — possibly alone — resisted (the middle).
Now, when there is no hope left and the entire culture has submitted to the will of “the Man” (the climax), she takes one last action: she destroys big brother by launching that hammer through the screen.
And she does it in front of the entire world.
As the screen explodes, we know that both the woman and society have been freed from Big Brother once and for all.

The moral? We must act to overcome tyranny and conformity.
And the marketing message? Macintosh will set you free from the tyranny and conformity of the other droning, boring PC manufacturers.
See how stories really help make a marketing message stick?
Apple could have just said, “Hey, we make better computers, and here’s why …”
Instead, they told a story.
Take a look at your marketing message and ask yourself: How can I use a story to make my message stick?
It’s how we humans communicate with each other best.
Go tell your story …

About the Author: Ready to create relationships with your customers that lead to more sales? Want to build a business consumers know, like, and trust? Check out Brandon Yanofsky’s website, B-List Marketing, and discover how.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Charging the Human Battery

An excerpt from
Charging the Human Battery
by Mac Anderson "Fear kills more people than death."
General George Patton

Master success coach, Steve Chandler said, "The world's best kept secret is that on the other side of your fear there is something safe and beneficial waiting for you. If you pass through even a thin curtain of fear you will increase the confidence you have in your ability to create your life."

Your ability to confront your fears is one of the most important keys to staying motivated. Because when you back away and do nothing, fear can quickly dominate your thinking and your emotions.

Everyone has fears and it takes courage to confront them. Mark Twain said, "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not - absence of fear." When you're afraid, you have two choices: to do nothing and let fear fester like a cancer, or identify the person or situation that is causing your fear and deal with it immediately. Can it be difficult? Of course it can, but the alternative to constant worry and pain is much worse.
50 Ways to Motivate Yourself, by Mac Anderson

"There is a remarkable difference between
a commitment of 99% and 100%.
-Vic Conant If you're married, your primary relationship in life is with your spouse. And of course, the strength of that relationship will go a long way to determine your happiness in life.

Vic Conant, the president of Nightingale Conant, has been a good friend for over twenty years. Not long ago he wrote an article called The Keys to Successful Living that focused on things we can do to improve our marriages. It was terrific!

Vic acknowledged that a few years ago he had some problems with his marriage to the point where he was considering other alternatives. But he wanted it to work and decided to try what he called "the 100% commitment experiment" (not 99%, but 100%). He said in doing so something magical happened. He began to look for the positives and began to enjoy his wife more each day. She naturally responded by being much nicer to him. He said it began an amazing transformation and today, after 36 years of marriage, they've never been happier.

As Vic discovered, there is a remarkable difference between a commitment of 99% and a commitment of 100%. At 100%, you are seeing your problems all the way through to their solutions. At 99%, we can still find a way to take the path of least resistance...and usually do.

And guess what? "The 100% commitment experiment" not only works for marriage, it also works for life.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Goals by Gary Ryan Blair

The odds that you'll succeed without taking action are about the same as winning the lottery without buying a ticket!

For those times when you feel trapped, stressed, or in a prison of your own making, take purposeful action. It's your Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card.

In real estate, it's location, location, location. In goal-setting, it's action, action, action.

You can't just stick out your thumb and hitchhike your way to success, you've got to roll up your sleeves and do the work that needs to be done.

Be seduced by the attractiveness of your goal. Inaction leads to impotence. Taking purposeful action immunizes you from "Goal Parkinson's," a long, slow goodbye to your dreams, talents and destiny.

A quality life is accomplished when thoughtful attention, goal setting, and purposeful action click into position. Whether your dream is to be or not to be is largely dependent upon your actions.

The cure for the ills of procrastination is a heavy prescription of action, until the day arrives when your dreams and their achievement are one in the same. When that day arrives, dream bigger dreams and take more action.

A good plan will almost always get you in the door, but it is action that seals the deal. So you want a guarantee? Well here it is: Without purposeful action, the only guarantee is failure and mediocrity!

Don't tiptoe toward your goal, walk confidently before it waltzes off into the arms of neglect. Dreams become reality through one simple mode of transportation: purposeful action.

The continuation of bad habits, such as procrastination and poor follow through, is like having an addiction to weapons of mass destruction.

It is tragically un-hip to procrastinate. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people never display their true potential; it never has an opening night...never makes a debut.

The bulk of potential resides deep within each individual just waiting to come out, and it stays there because people are afraid. The mechanics of achieving a goal makes it easy for people to relate t the necessity of action. But when action is not purposeful, it can be an Achilles heel.

When we operate without planning, we remain forever scattered and confused. You're always busy, but not much gets accomplished. Without a deeper appreciation and application of planning the most you can expect is marginal improvement.

Intimidate your fears through purposeful goal-directed activity. Since when is being the underdog any reason for not pursuing your dreams? Remember, it's not the size of the dog in the's the fight in the dog!

Don't just pursue your goal...inhabit it. Wear it, act it, live it, taste it! Get committed - take action. Life is not a scratch-and-sniff test!

When you set a goal, there's a distance between your current reality and desired reality. Procrastination increases the distance and minimizes the chances of achievement. Procrastination is the mother of regret. It postpones the future, aborts liftoff at the last minutes.

Unless you take action to achieve your goals, life becomes a constant series of postponements, cancellations, and missed opportunities.

You will never attain your goals simply by thinking and talking about them. You must take action as all success comes down to execution.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Designing Your Life

What would you be doing tomorrow if you retired today?
 Let’s say you had a blank day staring at you. You didn't have to work. You could do anything at all (although money is still a limiting factor). What would your perfect day be like?These questions are more than just hypothetical questions to ask for fun or idleness.

It’s an exercise meant to get you thinking about designing your life. How do you design your life? Well, let’s assume that your life is under your control. Sure, not everything is under your control, but let’s assumes that much of your life is yours to do with as you please. Even if that’s so, many of us go through life doing what we do because a series of events have made our life what it is today. We continue to do what we do without giving it much thought, because it’s easier that way.

Designing your life isn’t easy.You first have to dare to ask yourself these questions. You then have to dare to imagine that it can come true. And then comes the difficult task of changing your life so that it is what you want it to be. Perhaps your life is already just how you like it — if that’s the case, you are to be congratulated. But I submit that many of us, while generally happy, have a life not of our own design — at least not a conscious design.
So today let’s take a look at one way to consciously design your life. It’s not the only way, but it’s a path to happiness that I’d recommend.
Here’s the process:

1. What’s important? Ask yourself what is most important to you. Regular Zen Habits readers know that I ask this question in many articles, but that’s because any process should start with this, whether it’s a process of simplifying, of productivity, of frugality, or of becoming happier. What do you love doing? Who do you love spending time with? Make a short list of 4-5 things.

2. What is your passion? What do you love doing the most? Can it be a way you make your living? If you can make a career out of doing something you love, you will love your day. Dare to imagine that this could come true.

3. Design your day. Start with a blank slate, and design your perfect day. Incorporate the short list of 4-5 most important things above, to ensure that you are spending your day doing what’s most important to you. Also include time spent working at your passion (from item #2). Include an ideal routine, including a morning and evening routine, and everything in between. What time would you wake up and go to bed?

4. Figure out how to get there. What changes would you need to make in your life to make that perfect day a reality? Be willing to consider drastic changes if necessary. Come up with a plan to get there. It might be a plan that will take 6 months, a year, two  years or 5, but you can get there eventually, if you want it enough. Dare to make it a reality.

 5. Start making some changes immediately. Some of the changes can be done right away, especially if the changes are under your direct control. The time you wake up and go to bed, for example, are probably under your control. Your morning and evening routines are another example of things you can probably change immediately. Spending time doing the 4-5 important things on your list might also be an immediate possibility. Notice the things you normally do that aren't on the list of 4-5 important things — consider eliminating or minimizing the time you spend on the non-important things to make room for the important things.

6. Start making long-term changes now. Longer-term changes might include things like doing your passion for a living, or where you live, or getting out of big commitments that don’t contribute to your happiness or are not on your short list of 4-5 things. But while these kinds of changes might take longer, they can still be done. Start on them today, set them in motion, and dare to believe that you can change these things. Make a plan, and set it in motion.

7. Keep the end in mind. Print out your perfect day, and keep that in mind as you begin to make changes. This is the life you designed, rather than the one you’ve fallen into. You are in control of your life, and you can have that life, if you want it enough.

"I had always had a passion for the two “Bs” Making womenbeautiful and supporting women in business. The time came to pursue them."

By: Every Thursday is Happiness Day on Zen Habits.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dance Your Way to a Glamorous You

Zumba Dance Shoes - What You Need to Know Before You Buy

Because this dense aerobics class is intense, it is always good to have the right shoes to Zumba in.
We have written this article to look at some of the more important features that people need to consider when purchasing shoes for Zumba. Check it out! Before you buy yourself a pair.

What You Need to Know Before You Buy Zumba Shoes
There are no specific Zumba shoes, but what is important is that you get sneakers that have the majority of the features that we discuss below.

Comfort - Having comfortable shoes is one of the most important features that you can look for. You do not want to come to class with shoes that are too tight, do not fit and hurt your feet when you move. You will be doing a lot of dancing and it is very important to have shoes that are comfy.

Flexible - Sneakers that are flexible are very good shoes for Zumba. These sneakers will be able to adjust and not be too firm when you are either doing lateral moves, dancing, shaking, turning, jumping, twisting and moving on the spot. Forget rigid sneakers for this activity.

Get Dance Insoles - Aside from getting the right sneaker, it is also good to get yourself a nice pair of comfortable dance insoles. These insoles will give you extra comfort and cushioning, that is needed for this intense dance aerobics class.

What Not to Buy!
When purchasing sneakers for this activity it is important that you do not purchase certain types of shoes. These shoes are not recommended for Zumba and there is a good possibility that you may injure yourself using them.

  • Dance Sneakers - Even though this is a dance fitness class, it is not a good idea to buy dance sneakers to Zumba in. These shoes are designed for dancing and even though they may be flexible, they usually will not have the support that is needed for Zumba. There is a good chance of injury if you should participate with one of these sneakers.
  • Running Shoes - These shoes are not recommended at all, mainly because of the grip they have on the bottom. Generally running shoes have very thick grip on the bottom of the shoe, this is to provide excellent traction when running. In Zumba, you are making side to side movements and the shoe needs to be able to glide across the floor. With excessive grip, this will not be possible. There is also a good chance that the grip on the running shoe could cause you to injure yourself.

There are many different Zumba shoes for women out there. When considering which pair to buy, always look for sneakers that are flexible, comfortable and supportive. Do not go out and buy shoes that can hurt the feet such as dance and running sneakers. These will cause more harm than good.
If you are interested in getting really low prices as well as some great deals on Zumba Dance Shoes, then you need to check our website out.

Designer Fashion Trends - Fall, Winter 2011 Must Have Colors

Now that summer is almost over the fashion world has already transitioned into the fall/winter season. One of the first things that buyers, magazine editors, and other fashion insiders always notice during runway shows is the use of color. More importantly, which colors are in and which ones are out?

How to Choose the Right Hue
One of the main color trends for the autumn/winter 2011 season is the use of actual color. Blacks and grays reigned supreme in previous years but this time, bright hues are being used and it isn't even spring! Look for combinations of red, green, and yellow paired with neutral tones so the color really pops. For example, Anna Sui used shades of dark green and dark red but paired them with natural colors in order to add balance.

Camel is another color which is getting a lot of love this season because it's neutral yet it comes in so many different and versatile shades (which is always a style plus). Camel can be hard to wear head to toe so don't be afraid to add punches of other fall colors such as copper and mahogany, as well. The runways of Chloe illustrated this with long, camel-colored coats and hazel pants. Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, and Prada also demonstrated this trend beautifully.

The military trend has always been quite popular but this season, military hues (navy, khaki, and green) will be found all over the place. Also be on the lookout for military-style clothing to be paired with sexy accessories which add flair. Burberry Prorsum displayed this trend by combining strong, navy military blazers with sexy over-the-knee boots.

"I had always had a passion for the two “Bs” Making women beautifuland supporting women in businessThe time came to pursue them."