About Londa

“I was a single mom early on when my  children were very young. So I had a huge incentive to be in business for my self and to make my business work”

At the tender age of   24 she started her first business “Care is Given Day Care” Londa's Facility. She figured that she had three small children of her own and she would need day care for other career moms would need the same. And she was right. It wasn’t long before Londa’s daycare facility was full to capacity. So during the day she cared for the children and managed her business and at night she studied.

“I was going after my Associate Degree in business, since I had decided to be an entrepreneur I wanted to learn as much as I can.”

Her Journey lead her across the path of a business consultant by the name of Marion Douglas. Together they planned and launched  Group Homes Facilities which Londa owned and managed for several years. It was during this time they fell in love and married.

“I learned a lot from Marion and when we started love was totally unintentional. But he proved to be a man of worth. Funny how that works huh”

Londa went on to launch two more successful businesses Genies Domestic Services Inc a for profit business and "No More Empty Shelves Inc" a non-profit corporation. After managing them for several years she made a dramatic shift in her career path.

"I had always had a passion for the two “Bs” Making women beautiful and supporting women in business. The time came to pursue them."

By the time her children were graduating from high school Londa was re-enrolling in college. This time she was earning her degree in fashion. Graduating top in her class and with her business back ground , It wasn’t long before Londa was launching a new career in the fashion industry.

“I started picking up clients like Nordstrom’s, Target and Steinmart consulting them on visual display, before long I was doing fund raising fashion shows for major non profit organizations such as Children’s Hospital, St Jude’s Hospital and Assisted League of Anaheim to name a few.”

As her reputation grew Londa began to develop personal consulting clients. She consulted them on hair, makeup, fashion and accessories. As the internet grew, it began to changed to completely changed the business climate. It was then that she again took up the education and began to master the internet and ecommerce. Today Londa’s internet site is the 10th most visited site in its’s category according to google and she is moving rapidly toward number one. But only she can tell you how she’s doing it.