Sunday, May 8, 2011

What is Glamour?

 We can find the word "glamour" in old sorcery books. Why? Because its roots are in spell-casting, sorcery and magical enchantment. People have different perceptions about glamour, but the core is always the same: glamour seems to be a matter of good taste and personal style. Is "chic" a sinonim for glamour? Sometimes.

I saw a lot of nude pictures claimed to be glamorous, but I have to disagree with that. "Glamour" is a euphemism. Posing very descriptive will ruffle someone's feathers who wants to think it's more "glamorous" than simply a sexy photo of a beautiful woman.

Glamour and style must to be cultivated just like a blossoming flower waiting to be discovered. Learning to love your image in the mirror can sometimes help creating your own personal style. Having the self-confidence to stand out in a crowd and speak your mind is another necessary ingredient for feeling glamorous. If you feel good about your self, you can improve your aura and the people around you will notice that.

Glamour can't be achieved over night. I've tried this searching in magazines and Internet. The answer is not copying someone else's style. That may not apply to your personality. Try looking for something that fits you, and just you. Fashion is always changing, but glamour is just like classic music. It never gets old, because one will always see it's value with just a glimpse.
If you are looking for guidelines and related information about glamour fashion trends, you can check this blog.

"I had always had a passion for the two “Bs” Making women beautifuland supporting women in businessThe time came to pursue them."

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